Enterprise Solutions powered by mQ

Leading with Motivational IntelligenceTM

Today, leaders must understand how to engage virtual teams, foster collaboration by partnering across the organization and, most importantly, help people to adapt, grow and innovate in a highly dynamic work environment. Today’s leaders must possess a higher-level insight into human nature to accomplish these mission-critical objectives. They need to understand what holds people back, what slows the adoption of change, and what they need to do as leaders to unshackle human potential.

Leading with Motivation Intelligence is an award-winning course that leverages Nobel prize research and the latest advancements in cognitive psychology to impart the most powerful insights about us as human beings.  It’s about what unlocks us, opens our minds, and allows us to achieve and accomplish more. It is Motivational Intelligence (MQ).

Based upon the most influential and extensively studied aspect of modern-day social psychology, the science behind Motivational Intelligence (MQ) has been named as one of the top ten most promising scientific discoveries of the 20th century.

The key differentiating factor between people who succeed and those who struggle or ultimately fail is their Motivational Intelligence (MQ). It is the third and most influential level of human intelligence. Having a high IQ and EQ in no way guarantees a person’s success, having a high MQ does. MQ is the common thread in every great human endeavor, every triumph, every significant obstacle overcome.

Through this discussion participants will learn tools, techniques and strategies how to increase the Motivational Intelligence (MQ) of their team and how to leverage the Growth Mindset that it creates. They will walk away with powerful insights on how to be a better people leader and better coach/mentor to their team.

Important topics covered in this course

As a standalone program, this course offers valuable tools and insights to help employees overcome performance barriers, accelerate their onboarding process, and enhance engagement. Additionally, it serves as a foundation for cultivating a high-functioning team culture centered around personal accountability, growth mindset, and mutual support.

Elevate Strategic Thinking: Develop a deeper understanding of strategic concepts and techniques to enhance decision-making and drive organizational success.
Foster Team Performance: Learn strategies to inspire and empower team members, fostering a culture of excellence and achieving higher levels of performance.
Navigate Change: Acquire skills to effectively lead teams through periods of change, ensuring agility and resilience in the face of shifting circumstances.
Mentorship Mastery: Hone the ability to mentor team members individually, providing tailored guidance and support to help them reach their full potential.
Enhance Communication & Collaboration: Cultivate strong communication skills and foster collaboration within teams, promoting synergy and maximizing productivity.
Secure Buy-in for Goals & Strategies: Develop techniques to gain buy-in from team members for new goals and strategies, fostering alignment and commitment to organizational objectives.
Enhance Influence & Leadership Presence: Strengthen the ability to influence others both within the team and across the organization, establishing oneself as a respected leader and driving organizational success.
Cultural Transformation: Learn strategies to drive positive cultural change within teams, fostering inclusivity, innovation, and a shared sense of purpose.
Boost Employee Engagement: Explore methods to increase employee engagement, motivation, and satisfaction, leading to higher levels of productivity and retention.
Inspire Initiative & Self-Motivation: Cultivate a culture of initiative and self-motivation within teams, empowering individuals to take ownership of their work and drive results.

The Leading Experts in Motivational Intelligence

“2logical is proud to be the pioneer and world’s leader in Motivational Intelligence based training systems. With special thanks to our clients and partners throughout the world, this is 2logical’s third consecutive year to receive this prestigious designation. We are both humbled and thankful for this World Wide Recognition," states Joe Gianni, 2logical’s CEO/President.

Ready to Elevate Your Leadership?

Transform your approach to leadership and make a lasting impact on your organization. Enroll today and start your journey towards becoming a more effective leader and coach.

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